Ask us about our new virtual tutoring option
Top Teachers and Tutors in Every Major Subject
Our goal is to find the very finest teachers to tutor in every major subject.
We have recruited the best of the best along the Shoreline of Connecticut.
Our team includes teachers who have been recognized as outstanding in their fields, have graduated from top colleges, and possess experience work well with young adults.
The reason why our teachers are the best is simple. We have relied on recommendations from students, parents and administrators to identify the best teachers in schools across Shoreline, CT.
We’ve recruited those teachers to form a staff comprised of the top talent from towns such as Guilford, Madison, Westbrook, Old Saybrook, Old Lyme and East Lyme.
While we have retained teachers who graduated from elite colleges and graduate schools, our main hiring criteria is demonstrated excellence in teaching.
Our goal with tutoring is tutoring plus long lasting academic coaching. Our philosophy of shifting students from externally-directed to self-motivated is most dominantly reflected in our Student Mastery Program, but is also built into our training for our teaching staff, which is second to none in the region.
Some of teaching staff:
Laura Anderson
Spanish and French tutoring
Old Saybrook, CT
Peter Barres
Algebra I, II, Geometry tutoring
Mystic, CT
Jesse Brockwell
Algebra I, II, SAT Math tutoring
Old Lyme, CT
Jennifer Brodeur
Reading tutoring,Study skills,SSAT tutoring
Old Saybrook, CT
Ashley Cotton
SAT Math tutoring
Madison, CT
Nils Dailey
Alg I, II tutoring
Guilford, CT
Matt Flemming
MCAT test prep; science tutoring
New Haven, CT
Jon Floman
Math and test prep tutoring
Madison, CT
Ryan Galisewski
Math, SAT/ACT/GRE prep
Gales Ferry, CT
Ilya Gofman
New Haven, CT
SAT/ACT/SSAT Test prep
Karin Gosselink
Writing tutoring
Clinton, CT
Lori Grace
Chemistry, Biology tutoring
Westbrook, CT
Courtney Jason
Math tutoring
Old Saybrook, CT
Johanna Knight
Math tutoring
New Haven, CT
Kristina Knobelsdorff
SAT reading, Writing tutoring
Old Saybrook, CT
Margo Linton
Math tutoring
New London, CT
Laura Labucki
Math tutoring
Branford, CT
Brenda Maselli
SAT Math, Algebra I, Chemistry tutoring
Old Saybrook, CT
Cheri Meier
Latin tutoring
East Lyme, CT
Amy O'Neal
Science tutoring
Mystic, CT
Kathleen O'Reilly
writing tutoring and SAT tutoring
Mystic, CT
Jeff Parkinson
Math tutoring
East Lyme, CT
Leonard Salter
Chemistry and Physics tutoring
Ledyard, CT
James Symons
Math tutoring
Lyme, CT
Robyn Webb
Study Skills tutoring
Old Saybrook, CT
Peter Wood
SAT prep
Madison, CT
We are in the process of hiring top tutors in Connecticut. If you are one or know of any that would like to work for Connecticut's top tutoring organization and who live in Southeastern, CT, please have them contact us.
Service Area
Our primary service area is Shoreline and Southeastern, Connecticut and nearby locations. As word-of-mouth is our best advertisement, please ask your Connecticut neighbors about The Learning Consultants' tutoring, test prep and educational advisory services in Branford, CT; Guilford, CT; Madison, CT; Clinton, CT; Westbrook, CT; Old Saybrook, CT; Haddam, CTl; Killingworth, CT; Durham, CT; Essex, CT; Deep River, CT; Chester, CT; Old Lyme, CT; East Lyme, CT; Waterford, CT; Groton, CT; New London, CT; Mystic, CT; Norwich, CT and Stonington, CT. These Connecticut locations are not exclusive as we do service other areas.
Please also ask your older friends, guidance counselors, and other parents about our tutoring and test prep in Branford, Connecticut, Madison, Connecticut, Guilford, Connecticut, Clinton, Connecticut, Westbrook, Connecticut, Old Lyme, Connecticut, East Lyme, Connecticut, Waterford, Connecticut, Haddam, Connecticut, Killingworth, Connecticut, Chester, Connecticut, Essex, Connecticut, Deep River, Connecticut, Mystic, Connecticut, Norwich, Connecticut, Stonington, Connecticut and other Shoreline and Southeastern, Connecticut locations.
The Learning Consultants is considered the premier tutoring and test prep company in New Haven, Middlesex, and New London counties in Connecticut.
Our central offices are located in downtown Old Saybrook, CT and Madison, CT. We have satellite offices in Essex and Guilford and our tutors work in other convenient locations throughout Shoreline, CT and Southeastern, CT.
In addition to our main site:, The Learning Consultants owns and operates additional sites designed to provide helpful information to parents in local towns and regions or who have a specific area of interest. These sites include:
The Learning Consultants
(860) 510-0410